Dollar Contributions and Volunteer Hours

Dollar Contributions and Volunteer Hours
Nike offers two Employee Rewards programs for nonprofit organizations: volunteered hours and matching cash donations. CYO clubs qualify to get a 2x match on cash donations!
*Note: the following non-affiliated CYO Clubs should contact their School Admin for information on matching opportunities: FMES, OES, Our Lady of Lourdes, Portland Christian, St. Andrew Nativity, St. Joseph Vanc., Trinity Academy, Valley Catholic, West Hills Christian.
Multiple Nike CYO coaches earned $1,000 each for their CYO clubs in the last season!
Nike empowers employees who want to give back to their communities — one dollar, hour, or cause at a time. Nike matches donations dollar-for-dollar (CYO is eligible for 2x match for sport) and rewards volunteerism $10 credit per hour. To participate in the program:
If you want to donate to Champions of Faith: use this direct link then go to step #3 below:
To donate to CYO or your club, follow the steps below:
1. Use this direct link:
2. To donate to a specific CYO club, click on the“Projects Tab”, find your club, and follow the instructions below.
3. Donations:
1. Click the "Donate Now" Button.
2. Add required details
3. Choose method of Payment (Giving Account Balance = Volunteer Rewards, Credit, Payroll)
4. Hit submit.
4. Volunteering:
1. Click the "Track Time" Button (Must be submitted within 90 days of Volunteer date)
2. Add required details
3. Hit submit.
5. Request a Match (donation made directly to CYO)
1. Click the "Request a Match" Button (Must be requested within 90 days of donation
2. Add details
3. Upload donation receipt (see requirements)
4. Hit submit.
6. Mark your specific CYO Club as a favorite - then it will be easy to find when you log in again.
We are so grateful that you are giving your time and talent for the youth in your club!
Contact Us
Jeff Tinker, a St. Cecilia CYO Coach, has graciously offered to be a resource if you need assistance - Thank you, Jeff!
Your donations will help your club immensely! We are grateful for your support!