EARLY REGISTRATION FEE - $255 per participant Until February 16Purchase your uniform! REGISTRATION FEE - $280 per participant Starting February 16VOLUNTEER OPT OUT FEE - $500 per participantUNIFORM EXCHANGE PROGRAM - All participants may participate in the All Saints CYO Uniform exchange program. Singlet tops will be provided at no cost. New uniform tops, shorts and gear will still be available through Gear Up Sports for purchase. Links to Gear Up will be sent through Teamsideline and general school communications soon.
La Salle High School - Map FIRST PRACTICE - TBDDEVELOPMENT MEET SCHEDULE - Four (4) Development Meets Saturdays, April 5, April 12, April 26, May 3 CHAMPIONSHIP MEET SCHEDULE - Roadrunner Championship: May 10 Meet of Champions: May 17-18 CONTACT INFORMATION - Questions? Interested in coaching? Contact the All Saints Head Coach here! Head Coach, Warren McPherson: wamcpherson@hotmail.com
We are always looking for volunteer coaches. No experience in track and field needed. If even slightly interested, please contact Warren McPherson (wamcpherson@hotmail.com)
If you know anyone with experience in javelin, shot put, high jump or long jump who may be interested in helping please let them know we are looking for coaches.
Are you ready to register your PLAYER for this Track & Field season?Before you begin, we'd like to ask a quick question to make sure we're pointing you in the right direction.
If you answer yes to any of the following, you do NOT need to submit an Exception
1. Do you attend school at All Saints?
2. Do you attend All Saints parish?
Let's get started!Do you need to apply for an Exception?
Would you like to apply for a Scholarship?
Would you like to apply to be a Coach?